Crafting Compelling Arguments: The Fusion of Evidence and Persuasion

Have you ever envisioned an argument as a heated exchange, where people clash with raised voices in a bid to assert their correctness? While this interpretation isn’t far off, there’s a distinct twist when it comes to academic discussions. Welcome to the world of argumentative writing and persuasive tactics – a realm where evidence meets persuasion to create compelling narratives.

Understanding the Academic Argument

The term “argument” takes on a new meaning in the academic landscape. In classrooms and scholarly circles, an argument refers to argumentative writing. This form of expression transcends shouting matches, focusing instead on presenting a well-reasoned perspective backed by solid evidence. It’s about constructing a case, just like an attorney in a courtroom, and presenting it in a clear, organized, and convincing manner.

Unraveling the Nuances of Persuasive Writing

Enter persuasive writing, a sibling of argumentative prose with its own distinctive features. Unlike argumentation, which relies on evidence and support, persuasive writing leans more towards opinion. The aim here is to persuade the reader to adopt a particular viewpoint. This can be achieved through the artful use of persuasive tactics that play on emotions (pathos) or ethics (ethos), often irrespective of whether concrete evidence is readily available.

Distinguishing Argument and Persuasion: A Video Guide

For a visual exploration of the differences between argument and persuasion, check out this enlightening video: Argumentation vs. Persuasion. This video provides a concise breakdown of these concepts, offering valuable insights into how they operate in various contexts.

The Power of Merged Concepts: Crafting a Persuasive Argument

In your educational journey, you’ll find yourself combining these two approaches to create a persuasive argument. The process is akin to a well-choreographed dance that seamlessly fuses evidence and persuasion. Your essay assignment in this course mirrors this endeavor perfectly. Your task is to pick a contentious issue in your field of study or profession – one with multiple sides – and construct a persuasive argument advocating your perspective.

To accomplish this, you’ll need to employ a well-defined claim, supported by robust evidence. But that’s not all; persuasive tactics come into play here. The goal is to not only present your viewpoint logically but also to sway the reader’s opinion in your direction. This might involve evoking emotions tied to the topic (pathos) or appealing to shared values and ethics (ethos), even if hard evidence is limited.

Real-Life Instances: Where Skill Meets Application

As you ponder your own experiences, you’ll likely recall moments when you’ve seamlessly merged persuasion and argumentation. Imagine discussing the merits of adopting sustainable practices with a skeptical friend. You may have presented facts about environmental degradation as evidence while simultaneously appealing to their sense of responsibility for future generations (ethos). This blend of evidence and persuasion contributed to your ability to effectively communicate your viewpoint.

Join the Conversation: Share Your Story

Your classroom experience isn’t confined to theory alone. Reflect on situations where you’ve combined these tactics to present your viewpoint. Have you used evidence? How did you steer the conversation toward aligning with your perspective?


The marriage of argument and persuasion births a powerful tool for communication and persuasion. Mastering the art of persuasive arguments involves understanding when and how to employ evidence, crafting compelling claims, and harnessing persuasive tactics to sway opinions. As you embark on this journey of merging facts and feelings, remember that the convergence of argument and persuasion is a dynamic force that shapes discussions, influences opinions, and drives change.



CoreStand. (2012). Argumentation vs. Persuasion (video). Retrieved from

Jenny Mark

Jenny Mark is a graduate of California State University of San Bernardino and lives in Southern California. She is a part time professor for Baker College, Southern New Hampshire University, Vista College, and Baker College. She teachs composition, creative writing, and essential college skills. Check out her blog at

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