
Navigating the Information Jungle: Mastering the C

11 month ago with no comments in Using Evidence
Hello, fellow seekers of knowledge! Let’s dive headfirst into the world of sources – those invaluable components that shape our research and fuel our arguments. But not all sources are created equal. How do we distinguish the reliable from the dubious, the relevant from the irrelevant? ...

Navigating Research: Your Ultimate Guide to Effect

11 month ago with no comments in Using Evidence
Embarking on the journey of academic research can be a daunting task, especially if you’re new to the realm of scholarly exploration. The key lies in honing your research skills and mastering the art of effective search strategies. As you delve into this enriching process, remember that ...

Crafting Compelling Arguments: The Fusion of Evide

11 month ago with no comments in Types of Essays
Have you ever envisioned an argument as a heated exchange, where people clash with raised voices in a bid to assert their correctness? While this interpretation isn’t far off, there’s a distinct twist when it comes to academic discussions. Welcome to the world of argumentative ...

Reverse Outlines and Their Benefits

As a writer, have you ever found yourself in a situation where you feel like you’re writing in circles, unable to organize your thoughts into a clear and concise structure? This is where a reverse outline can be a valuable tool to help you gain clarity and make your writing more ...

The Importance of Academic Tone and Style in Colle

1 year ago with no comments in Writing Style
College essays are an important aspect of a student’s academic journey. They provide an opportunity to showcase one’s writing skills, thought processes, and knowledge on a particular subject. But, simply having good content is not enough. To make a strong impression on the reader, ...

Ethos, Pathos, & Logos – Persuasion

As my students work on developing their writing skills, one important concept that we get into is rhetoric and rhetorical argument devices. When we are exposed to argument in some form or other, there are three key parts to the argument that are used to try to persuade us. These are ethos, ...

Summary vs Paraphrase vs Quote

The Differences between Quoting, Summarizing, and Paraphrasing Research plays a huge part in any writing project because this is how you can present information and strengthen your own arguments. As you complete research, you will want to keep track of any sources you examine and be sure to ...

The Writing Process

7 years ago with no comments in Writing Style
The 5-Step Writing Process – Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing, and Publishing For most people, writing is a point of anxiety. It is hard to get started, let alone to finish, and it’s easy to get lost along the way. Many great writers simply don’t know how to get ...